Friday, June 5, 2020

When it's time to detox it's time for a fresh start

Why do a body detox?

Detoxifying your system is a way to start over.  Isn’t that what we all need sometimes, we need to create better habits so a radical change is necessary.  When you noticed that you are slowing down, experiencing extreme fatigue, are experiencing weight gain, hair, skin and nail changes, body aches, and even certain mental health issues it is time to detox and fortify.  We are now turning the tide on COVID and shifting into LIFE POST QUARANTINE.  Many of you are returning to work after being in the house for 2 months, some of you don’t fit clothing that you were just wearing a few months back, others need to fortify their system

and prepare to grind.  Whatever the reason is, your body needs a reset and this is going to help you.  

Let’s talk holistic and naturopathic detox methods that will help your body filter out the toxins and start a new clean system for a fresh start. 

1.       An extreme change in diet.  You need to know where the toxins come from.

a.        During this time I challenge you to go green, grow clean, and sustain by converting your system to a plant-based diet.  Plant-based means that most of your meal’s nutrients are coming from the ground as opposed to an animal or by-products of an animal.  I will tell you if you choose to reset your body by eliminating meat you will see how your digestive system is impacted by animal products. 

b.       Eliminate dairy products.  Dairy products are the culprit for a lot of digestive issues and poor gut health.  Why do I keep focusing on gut health?  Well, what you put in your body circulates through your system and ultimately ends up in the gut until its ready to be voided. 

2.       Incorporate herbal remedies for your vitamin boosters.  Cumin, turmeric, garlic, dandelion, green tea, spearmint, peppermint, basil, oregano, etc. have all been linked to holistic detoxifiers.  You can take these herbs in a pill form, utilize fresh herbs in cooking, or create detox teas.  All three are an excellent way to incorporate holistic healing methodologies in the new clean you.

3.       Rest.  What do you mean?  How does rest detox the body?  Our bodies sustain much abuse when we don’t have the proper rest.  You need to reset your body and your clocks to ensure that you are getting the sleep that you need so that you can handle more throughout the day. 

Don’t Keep them Around-  It’s for your good.

10 detox benefits would inspire anyone to start over.  When you need a boost in life, you have to know where to start purging.  Some times the things that we put in are just as bad as the things we keep around.  Let me tell you how God does me… and it's not always the most enjoyable thing to g(r)o(w) through but it’s a discipline tool that will help.  OUT OF REACH, OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND FOR THE MOMENT--  Allow me to explain.  I bake with my girls, call it antiquated but I believe in raising girls to be wives and mothers who take care of their family and home.  I started them early in the kitchen and with little tasks to help out.  Baking is our fun time.  We baked a tray of brownies recently and they were not going to be touched for 3 days.  So, I knew they were toxic to me, so I gave the majority of them away(OUT OF REACH AND OUT OF SIGHT), left a portion for the girls and enough for me to satisfy a small craving (MOMENTARY INDULGEMENT).  When I do my shopping, I put stuff in the virtual cart, and then ask myself:  Is that going to be a problem?  Like over eat?  Overindulge?  Most of the time the answer is yes, and those things come out of the cart and I usually have a conversation with the Lord about how I should’ve gotten it- and then eat oatmeal.. (and in some unusual craving moments, doubled down on kale- I know right, who says that).  During the time of detox, you do have to starve your body of the things that weigh it down.  When you detox long enough, your body becomes used to a system and won’t tolerate or easily adjust to the shock of adding in certain foods again.  For example, I don’t use sugar; some of the foods I have are made with sugar, but I don’t buy it or use it.  If I eat something to sweet, I can feel it—Its because I trained my body to reject what is not good for me.  The worst is reintroducing those foods back into your diet because you will start to crave them again.  Then its harder to become disciplined again; as you eliminate these foods you are adjusting your taste buds and mind to want the replacements more than you wanted what was not good for you.  I tell you this is true to nature; I buy bags of Kale, I refuse to eat jar tomato sauce because I make it from fresh tomatoes, I eat barley instead of rice, and almond milk (small portions) instead of dairy, no more yogurt, and sometimes can’t even stand the natural fructose in certain fruits because its too sweet.  My system has made a conversion but I still have work to do shifting the hormones to align with the conversion.  (*This too I believe can be done holistically to help women who are menopausal and experience hormonal weight gain and those who need to balance some things out during those lovely two weeks of the month. The luteal phase of hormonal dysfunction is the culprit for weight gain or slowed progress of weight loss.)

Let’s talk about the benefits of getting rid of the bad stuff

There are numerous benefits to a body reset and detox.  Let’s look at these 10 benefits and see if anything on this list inspires you to make the change.

1.       Weight loss and management

2.       More energy *

3.       Aids organ health

4.       Builds the immune system

5.       Better breath

6.       Shinier hair

7.       Clearer skin

8.       Improved thinking*

9.       Slows signs of aging

10.   Resets your body to enjoy eating healthy post-detox

The Faith Detox

Here is a product that I would like to introduce to you.  Its called, “The Faith Detox”. I downloaded this book some years ago but never fully read (Google books).  I heard the audio, and truth be told should be relistening during this month.  It’s a great book and can be found via Google.  The book identifies sin and toxin associations within the body.  The book has seven sections and I want to give you a quick sneak preview just so you download the book and get to detoxing.

1.        Faith and Physics – identifying body systems and why you have to clean house

2.       Prepare to be amazed- preparation

3.       Social Influence Toxins- Media, Ungodly Counsel, Soul Ties, Catastrophic world events

4.       Financial Toxins- fighting lack, debt, and missed opportunities

5.       Relationship Toxins-

6.       Purpose and Identity Toxins- 

7.        The blessings-

Each section identifies areas and systems of the body that need to be detoxed that are associated with spiritual toxins.  I think it's worth the read and the few dollars from the app.  

I pray that this resource blesses you and that you continue to detox to get that fresh start. 

The 30-Day Faith Detox eBook by Laura Harris Smith - 9781441229830 ...

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