Sunday, September 24, 2017

Persistent Pickers Be Aware!

Persistent Pickers Be Aware!

Have you ever had a day where you are just picking at food ALL DAY.   Well maybe you have and won't admit it, maybe you haven't or maybe you're looking at this screen and secretly telling me to get out of your business- whatever it is I've been there.  Good news- it's not something that can't be fixed immediately when you recognize what is going on.  Persistent picking at snacks (and I'm not talking about the chocolate cake, cookies and ice cream- although I've done that too) is the mind trying to find the filler for the body requiring water.  Ok, prime example which is the real reason why I am writing this blog-  This weekend I was extra hungry, I don't know why; I rarely ask questions and just eat.  Hey it is what it is!  I was eating apples, bananas, grapes, an awesome chicken salad I made- (I'll put the recipe below, sorry no picture- Its devoured)  oh yeah, the frozen Greek yogurt bar, some tea and ginger candies..It could've been more but really I wasn't counting until I started to question why I am eating like this.  Every time I reached for a grape, I recognized that the coolness and the juices from the grapes is what my body was needing.  Light bulb moment doh doh..  Dehydration!  You brain is telling you that your hungry but what your body is doing is attempting to extract the water from the foods that your eating to replenish it.  Fruits and vegetables contain water content, but do not contain enough to sustain you throughout the day.  

Dehydration is serious!  You start to feel sluggish and can lead to shortness of breath, quick onset of fatigue and can even give you heart palpitations.  My body was so dehydrated that when I looked at my hands the veins were at the surface.  You can take a look at your arms or hands and see the raised veins and know that your body is in need of some water.

Rule of thumb not just for weight loss but healthy hydration.  You should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day but no less than 8 cups (64oz) per day.  So if you weigh 100lbs then you should drink 8 cups of water per day, if you weigh 150lbs then you should be drinking 75oz or 9 1/2 or 10 cups of water per day.   For healthy weight loss increasing the amount of water in take makes the body fuller longer and also helps move fluids.  Remember fluids push fluids so an increase in water helps rid the body of "excess" quicker.

Signs of dehydration to look out for:

  • Again your hands and vein appearance is a telltale sign that your dehydrated if the veins are raised and bulging
  • Low blood pressure which leads to dizziness and extreme fatigue
  • Palpitations and rapid heart beat
  • Chapped lips and excessive thirst (which can at times feel unquenchable)
  • Persistent snacking on fruits
  • Headaches
  • Nausea 
  • Feeling like you're going to pass out
  • Poor urine output
  • The moral of the story--  WE ALL NEED WATER... 

Simple Chicken Salad

Awesome recipe for a simple chicken salad as promised!  Sorry no pictures as previously stated I was doing a little extra picking today and well ate it with quinoa cakes ALL GONE!  ..  Next time

On the stove boil the chicken breast- Add enough water to just about the top of the breast and boil down usually until the water is gone or until fully cooked being able to pull the chicken (like shredded pork)

I personally don't like big chunks of chicken salad so I put in a bullet to get the texture of tuna fish (that's just me but you don't have to)

I bought Marie's salad dressing Parmesan, Pine nut, basil and tomato (NOW THIS RIGHT HERE!!! psst.. its not that good for you but its gooood!)  added that to the pulled chicken and used avocado oil mayo..   ** Now I left it there like that, but if you want to get fancy with it and add it on to a salad you can dice up some apples in really small pieces and add it over a salad **

It was amazing!!   You didn't need onions or celery or relish or any of the other stuff that you add.  Real simple, quick and easy ...  

RISE S T R O N G Disclaimer:   There is a high fat content in the salad dressing and I'm still trying to figure why but never the less I used it and its good.  It is important to look at the labels and judge appropriate portion control for high fat content items or high caloric intake.  If you are trying to lose weight this is not a recipe that should be eaten regularly but can eaten as a meal when served with a large portion of greens eliminating complex carbs.   If you've earned your cheat day by all means get it in, but if you are looking to lose weight I wouldn't suggest more than a half of cup (which really is a good size portion) over a green salad and combine with other veggies.  

Monday, September 18, 2017

Good things come in small packages

Good Things Come in Small Packages!  

One thing I really hate is to enjoy a snack and before you know it, well it's gone.  How many times have you started on this health kick and purchased these 100 cal snack packs because you think you're doing something good?  You are; you are paying the overpriced merchandisers to teach you portion control, but that's a whole other blog.  In reality you are doing something right.  Portion control is number 1 in a lifestyle change.  Well, I give that a big "wom, wom, wannnn..." Thumbs down emoji!   Along this journey I did discover that good things do come in small packages and are super helpful.  Snack time is essential because cravings that aren't satisfied usually lead to falling off the bandwagon.   Now, I want to caution you before you continue reading and see these KIND Bars.  Here is #RISESTRONG DISCLAIMER:  If you are NOT AN ACTIVE PERSON, IF YOU CONSUME A HEAVY CARB DIET THEN THIS SNACK IS A WOM WOM WANNNNN.... In a nutshell they are only KIND if you kindly keep it moving through out the day.   They can say whole grain and even add the word healthy and can be packaged in these little cute (*but over priced-- YEAH I SAID IT!*)  wrappers but the truth is you have to learn to read the labels and know what that means for your overall daily intake.  This snack has 6 super grains which are a bit heavier so it keeps you fuller but reading the nutritional value it has 24 grams of Carbs.. and that is like whoooaaaaa....   So again, this snack is only recommended to those who are active throughout the day, on the run, or the walk, or commit to a consistent exercise regimen.  So now that I told you all the reasons why you shouldn't consume these, let me tell you WHY YOU SHOULD...  Doesn't necessarily have to be KIND Bars but incorporating whole grains in your diets does wonders for you.  Incorporating whole grains helps you feel fuller longer which means if you're an on the go KIND OF PERSON (get it... hahah ahaha) its likely that you want a grab and go to hold you over.  This is it.   See the list below of some of the reasons why you want to incorporate whole grains with your meals.  

Whole grain benefits:
They redistribute fat
Appetite suppressant keeping you fuller longer
Increase daily fiber intake
Lowers cholesterol
Lowers blood sugar
Regulate the digestive system
Lower C-Reactive Proteins in the blood which is associated with inflammatory diseases and premature birth, preclampsia, and infertility issues

Something small with a little bit of sting!  And its not a bumble bee!   Its GINGER

I was working in Jersey City at the time and I was bewildered and bamboozled when my co-worker told me to try one of the little things she had.  At first, I gave her that face and was like umm yea, they're good not really knowing how I should feel about that bite in what I thought was suppose to be a sweet candy.  Well I was hooked.  Open mouth, insert ginger chew.  Again, Here is #RISESTRONG DISCLAIMER:  DO NOT EAT TOO MANY OF THESE IN THE SAME DAY..  I don't know how appropriate it is for me to describe what could happen so lets just leave at, don't do it- you'll be sorry...   Ginger is one of those things that you definitely have to acquire a taste for, but if you learn the health benefits you might be more willing to add it to your diet.  As we are told to guard our hearts, we are also told to take care of our temples as it is the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.  Ginger helps prevents heart disease.  I know these posts seem to be a bit redundant in health care tips but the more information you are armed with, the healthier you will be, the longer you will live and can prevent some serious/ chronic illnesses.  

Benefits of Ginger consumption:
Promotes healthy hearts
Helps in curing colds
Weight loss
Good for the stomach / digestive issues 
Helps alleviate migraines
Cancer prevention: Ovarian, Breast, Pancreatic
Helps with muscle soreness
Increases blood circulation 



Friday, September 1, 2017

Get Your House in Order

How many of you go for regular check ups?  Have you been to the doctor lately and they told you to watch your carb intake and your processed sugars because the blood sugar was slightly elevated; or did they give you the eye ball when they asked you about your diet?  Have they told you to watch your cholesterol because it can lead to heart disease or your salt intake due to hypertension.  These are all warning statements that a physician will typically issue prior to medicating a patient for common metabolic disorders.  Thanks be unto God, the ground is fertile and the harvest is plentiful because the ground, earthy veggies are actually a prescription for good health, preventative measures and even prescribed to cure.  Yes!  Food is medication if consumed properly.   Certain vegetables contains high levels of vitamins, proteins, fibers, omega 3, which are all essential in promoting healthy hearts, strong bones and muscles, digestive systems and can help prevent reoccurring diseases, fight existing ones, or prevents them occurring.  Working in healthcare I see the cost of care, premiums and deductibles, along with co-pays for consultations and treatment plans; all of which does not include the cost of medications.  By changing your daily intake you can say goodbye to pharma and never see that one eyed look from your physician again (unless both eyebrows are raised in astonishment at your good results).

So last year I got blood work done as a requirement for our health plan.  The cardiologist I work for ordered a bunch a tests and a complete panel.  When he and I reviewed the results together he asked me what I was doing to get such a good LDL numbers.  LDL is the good cholesterol.  The normal range is about 65, mine was 119 if I remember correctly.  He couldn't believe it, he even showed the other cardiologist.  I have to give God the glory- its not of my works but His work in me.  My diet started to incorporate more vegetables, less sugar and sweeteners, limited amount of dairy, limited white foods, home made roti instead of bread (whole wheat flour Indian breads aka Chapati) and lots of avocados.  It was evident that the alterations in the diet was evident in the lab values.  Exploring different foods (which I was not a fan of -- at all) I started eating things that I would have NEVER eaten before- for example BEETS..   blek!!  Now I go to a spot in Elizabeth on Elmora Ave called El Portal Taqueria  (located at 179 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ open from 11am to 11pm) to get the quart size of Beet Juice. You can order: La mezcla de jugito - tell them to ponga todos - betabal, zanahorrias, celeri, manzana y naranjas.  (Your welcome for the Spanish lesson)   All of this had me looking into what fruits and vegetables and certain combinations are really capable of.  Holistic medicine, natural approach to curing the body.   I'm sold!

Just Beet It!!  


I know I know.  Trust me, I never thought I would eat beets, I didn't even like the way they looked back at me in the salad bar, I wouldn't even consider sniffing them let alone eating them or drinking them.   The Beet Juice Recipe is a combination of organic fruits and veggies processed through a juicer.   Beets, celery, carrots, apples and oranges.  Its really good. First sip its kind of earthy but you get past that when you taste the sweetness of the carrots, orange and apple combo.  This combination prevents certain cancers and is used in treatments of cancers during chemotherapy, detoxes the body and promotes healthy liver functions and detoxes the liver as well, helps with lethargy, improves exercise stamina, skin issues, lowers cholesterol, lowers high blood pressure, aids in heart healthy functions, slows the progression of dementia sharpening the memory and enhances brain function.  Overall it promotes a healthy immunity.   Drinking these juices on a daily basis (might not be quart size and it doesn't have to be) will ensure you a clean bill of health.

I read an article on who stated that a Chinese herbalist was treating his patient for lung cancer.  He had his patient drink this combo everyday for three months and the patient was cured from lung cancer.

Singers--  Worship Leaders---   How effective are you if you have a throat infection.  This combination cures throat infections as well.

Results of weight loss and over all health improvement vary from person to person depending on the severity of the issue but results were noted within the first 30 days to 3 months.

Lunch on the go! This is what I call Fast Food

Wasa thins 
1/2 Avocado
Sliced Tomato
1 can of Albacore Tuna in water
(little mayo)

1 Can of Tuna can make from 3 to 4 Wasa Toast sandwiches.  This meal is heart healthy, protein packed, fiberous and filling.  It's good if you're on the run and need to eat quickly, while watching your weight or trying to lose weight.  Nothing is worse than trying to "diet" and feel like you're starving all day.  That's a trap, its a set up, a set up for failure.  How many times do people stop "dieting" because they feel like they are going to keel over from hunger.  O.k. truth be told, most people stop because they aren't satisfied when they don't see immediate results and they feel like all the time they spent hungry was not worth it; especially since there was a dessert party at work and your coworkers are parading the chocolate cake, fudgie crispy edge brownies, with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream right in front of your face.  Ah well, time to dig in to the ice cream-- just kidding! On a serious note if people don't feel satisfied and see that the weight has come off in 5 days they are discouraged.  Here is why some are not successful- one word that throws everyone off- its a four letter word-  DIET...  Eating right is not a diet, its a lifestyle change and if committed for the right reasons you will never diet again.  You will maintain a healthy weight, lose weight, bring your body's operating systems into alignment of "perfect harmony" which impacts your overall health- mind and body.  We'll leave it to Jesus to heal the soul.

Avocado is a little green ball of medicine--  can be costly at times but worth it when you know how to pick them!  Avocado lowers cholesterol, its a great source of fiber and proteins.  High in nutrients: Vitamin K, C, B5, B6, E and Potassium. Foods that are high in protein and fiber tend to be a bit heavier and therefore keep someone fuller longer.

Avocado and tomato combination prevents cancers and helps with inflammation diseases, prevents heart diseases, such as Coronary Artery Disease, Atherosclerosis which is commonly caused by elevated cholesterol.  This little green veggie also reduces the risk of kidney failure, strokes and heart attacks.  Avocado consumption reduces one's BMI and therefore promotes healthy weight loss.  Specific to MEN- Avocado has been proven to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in the prostate.   While others may have been diagnosed with cancer, incorporating this vegetable can help the body during chemotherapy and even reduce side effects.

I firmly believe that Jesus is the healer, the great physician and can do all things.  It takes one touch, one word, one encounter to experience His healing power; but He has also provided the soil, the ground and seed to plant and grow and added upon that wisdom to know what we are working with to put it all together.  Everything God does starts with a seed so if these veggies and fruits are of Jesus, than why wouldn't you feed your temple which hosts Jesus with the things that are of Him.  It seems too much like right- Remember, your body is not your temple its THE TEMPLE  of the Holy Spirit and in order to be used it needs to be maintained and kept clean.   Lets start today!  Some simple changes can change your life completely.

As I see more articles and get more information I will continue to update the site on holistic approaches to medicine and overall health-   Let the plant life heal the mind and body and allow Jesus to heal the soul!   God Bless You!